How Does Islam View Jesus (PBUH)?

Islam regards Jesus as one of the most important prophets. Muslims believe that he was born of the Virgin Mary, who is one of the most respected women in Islam. They also believe that Jesus performed miracles through the power of Allah, including healing the sick and raising the dead. Prophet Jesus is also granted a high degree of respect in Islamic culture and holds a special place in the hearts of Muslims.

However, the essential difference between Christianity and Islam regarding Jesus is that Islam does not believe that he is the son of Allah (Exalted be He). Allah is believed to be above the need of having offspring or partners. “Say, ‘He is Allah, the One and Only; Allah, The Self-Sufficient Master; He neither begets nor is born, and there is nothing like Him.’” (Al-Ikhlas 112:1-4) From the Islamic perspective, giving birth and having children is a distinct characteristic of humans and a wide range of other creatures. Allah is above any human qualities or needs such as marriage, offspring, or family. Such issues pertain to creatures. It is indeed blasphemous to ascribe offspring or partners to the Almighty Allah. Therefore, Muslims reject the concept of the Trinity, which connects Allah with Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

The belief in the Oneness of Allah, known as Tawhid, is the principal tenet of Islam, while associating a partner or equal with Allah is considered the most cardinal sin in this religion. Muslims believe that the word "son" as used in the Bible does not have a literal meaning but rather a symbolical term indicating a close or faithful relationship with Allah (Exalted be He). In the Quran, Prophet Jesus is referred to as "The Messiah, son of Mary," who called his people to believe in Allah and to follow His Message and guidance.

Moreover, Muslim scholars have argued against the concept of Jesus being the son of Allah by referring to historical evidence from the Bible itself. They believe that Jesus (may the peace of Allah be upon him) never claimed to be the son of Allah. They also hold that this belief was later inserted into Christianity. Therefore, it is more a matter of interpretation rather than historical facts or authentic religious evidence.

In conclusion, while Muslims do not believe that Jesus (may the peace of Allah be upon him) is the son of Allah, they hold him in high regard as one of the greatest prophets of Islam. Although there are differences between Islamic and Christian perspectives on Prophet Jesus, some values stand in common ground such as Mary’s virginity, Jesus’ healing miracles, and guiding people towards a life of faith and righteousness.