Do Muslims Believe in Jesus (PBUH)?

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Do Muslims Believe in Jesus (PBUH)?

Muslims believe in Jesus (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) as a Prophet and Messenger of Allah, but they do not accept the belief that he is the son of Allah or part of the Trinity. According to Islamic teachings, Jesus was one of the most important prophets sent by Allah before Prophet Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Muslims revere and respect him for his teachings and exemplary conduct.

They also firmly believe in his miraculous birth from the Virgin Mary, his healing powers, and his ascension into heaven. However, Islam vehemently opposes any notion that attributes divine qualities to any human being or an entity in partnership with Allah. Therefore, while Muslims have great reverence for Jesus as an honorable Prophet sent by Allah, they do not equate him with divinity as Christians do.

In Islam, Jesus, known as `Isa in Arabic, is regarded as a prophet who was sent by Allah to guide the people of his time. He is considered to be one of the greatest prophets of Islam, alongside other prophets like Moses and Abraham (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon them). Muslims believe that Jesus was born of a virgin named Mary. During his lifetime, he performed many miracles by Allah’s Will and Permission.

However, there are some fundamental differences between the Christian and Muslim beliefs about Jesus (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Muslims do not believe that Jesus is the son of Allah or that He was crucified on the cross. According to Islamic teachings, Jesus was not crucified, but rather Allah saved him and raised him to heaven.

Muslims believe that Jesus will return to earth before Judgment Day. He will defeat the antichrist and establish peace and justice. He will also be a witness on the Day of Judgment.

Overall, while Muslims do believe in Jesus, their beliefs about him differ from those of Christians in important ways. Muslims believe that Jesus was merely a human Prophet, not Allah or the son of Allah. He did not die on the cross. Through the teachings of the Quran and Islamic scripture, Muslims are encouraged to honor and respect Jesus, as they believe he was one of Allah’s most important Messengers.