Is It True that No One Can See Allah except through Jesus (PBUH)?

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Is It True that No One Can See Allah except through Jesus (PBUH)?

According to Islamic beliefs, the statement “No one can see Allah except through Jesus” goes against the fundamental concept of Tawhid or the belief in the absolute oneness of Allah. While Muslims greatly revere Prophet Jesus (may the peace of Allah be upon him) as a messenger of Allah, they do not consider him to be divine or a mediator between human beings and Allah. 

Rather, Islam teaches that every individual has direct access to Allah through sincere prayers and worship without the need for an intermediary. The Quran mentions in numerous ayahs that Allah is All-Seeing and All-Hearing, implying that He is always present and attentive to His creations’ supplications. Hence, the notion that only through Jesus one can perceive Allah is not embraced in Islam as it contradicts with the belief in monotheism upheld by Muslims worldwide.

The statement “No one can see Allah except through Jesus” expresses a Christian belief that Jesus Christ is the only way to Allah. However, Islam, which is the second-largest religion in the world, has a different perspective on this statement.

Islam teaches us that every individual has the potential to connect with Allah through personal devotion and seeking knowledge. In Islam, Allah is portrayed as One Who is Transcendent and Infinite, and thus, cannot be seen or comprehended by human faculties.

Islam emphasizes the importance of surrendering to the Will of Allah and seeking His Guidance and Mercy. The way to do so is by following the teachings of the Quran, which is the holy book of Islam, and the example of Prophet Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

Islam also teaches that Jesus was an honorable Prophet and Messenger of Allah, but not divine. Muslims believe that the way to draw closer to Allah is through prayer, worship, and serving others. In Islam, the concept of Tawhid, or belief in the Oneness of Allah, is central to the faith. Muslims believe that everything belongs to Allah and that the ultimate purpose is to submit to the Will of Allah.

In conclusion, the statement “No one can see Allah except through Jesus” is a Christian belief, and it does not apply to Islam. In Islam, the way to connect with Allah (Exalted be He) is through surrendering to His Will, seeking His Guidance, and serving others. Islam emphasizes that everyone has the potential to connect with Allah and experience His Presence. Muslims believe that Jesus was a great Prophet and Messenger of Allah, and although his teachings are followed and respected, he is not the only way to Allah.