Is Jesus (PBUH) the Image of Allah?

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Is Jesus (PBUH) the Image of Allah?

Islam views Jesus (may the peace of Allah be upon him) as one of the most honorable prophets and messengers of Allah (Glorified be He), but not as the image of Allah. Muslims believe in the absolute Oneness of Allah and reject any form of physical representation or analogy to define Him. As mentioned in the Quran, Allah is beyond full human comprehension, and His Nature cannot be compared with anything within creation. 

Jesus is revered in Islam as a human Prophet who was sent by Allah to guide the Children of Israel to righteousness and truth. Muslim scholars consider it blasphemous to equate Jesus with divinity or associate him with any qualities involving Allah’s Essence or Form. Nevertheless, believing in and respecting Jesus' teachings and message constitutes an essential pillar of Islamic faith, which which one’s faith is void.

While Jesus is recognized as a Prophet of Islam and holds immense importance, Islamic theology has a distinct stance on the use of imagery about Allah (Glorified be He). Descriptive imagery or depiction of Allah or prophets is forbidden in Islam. Islam stresses the importance of Tawhid (belief in the absolute oneness of Allah) and warns against associating partners with Allah (Shirk). The use of images or idols, whether representing Allah or His prophets, is constitutes an act of Shirk. Therefore, Islam prohibits the creation or use of images to symbolize Allah or prophets.

 Islam recognizes the diversity of prophets and their unique roles and responsibilities. All prophets shared the common goal of guiding humanity to Allah (Exalted be He), yet they had distinct characteristics and stories. While Jesus is viewed as a prophet in Islam, he is not elevated to divine status. The Christian belief in his divinity is seen as a form of Shirk. Therefore, while Jesus is considered a messenger sent by Allah in Islamic faith, he is not viewed as the image of Allah.

 An image as a concept is different in Islam from how it is viewed and employed in Christianity. In Christianity, the image of Allah is often presented in a physical form and understood in a literal sense, whereas in Islam, Allah is not confined to human limitations; therefore, any attempt to define Allah through material objects is considered limiting and incomplete.

  In conclusion, the concept of Jesus as the image of Allah is unacceptable in Islam due to the prohibition of making such images or depictions and the clear distinction between Allah Almighty and His creation. While Jesus holds great importance in Islamic faith as a Prophet and Messenger of Allah, the idea of an image representing Allah or angels or prophets or saints is strongly prohibited in Islam. Therefore, the concept of Jesus as the image of Allah does not apply to Islamic faith.