Common Questions About Islam

The reasons why Muslim women wear hijab are primarily based on Islamic values. Muslim women who wear the hijab choose to do so out of deep faith and obedience to Allah (Exalted be He). 

The Quran instructs both men and women to dress modestly, which is perceived differently by different cultures. Additionally, when a woman wears a hijab, she is protecting herself. Furthermore, hijab allows Muslim women to express their identity and independence while maintaining their faith-based values beyond outward appearances. While some argue that wearing the hijab is oppressive or subjugating, many Muslim women view it as empowering and fully endorse its benefits.

The first thing to understand is that the Quran does not promote or encourage violence against women in any way. In fact, Islam places a great deal of emphasis on treating women with respect, dignity, and kindness. The Quran explains that men and women are equal in the Eyes of Allah, and that both are entitled to equal rights and opportunities.

The term “striking or beating” in the Quran is often used in a symbolic sense, rather than a physical one. In many cases, the word is used to describe the idea of giving a stern warning or admonition, rather than physical violence. The Quran discourages the use of harsh language or physical violence, even in cases where a husband may be deeply upset with his wife.