Justice among humans in Islam

Here is a quote from one of the most important philosophers of France and one of the key philosophers of Europe in its entire history: Voltaire. He says, "Black people are a different race of humans, just as the breed 'Spaniel' is different from the breed 'Greyhound.' This sentence not only reflects Europe's specific perspective on black-skinned individuals but also its view of the entire human race as unequal groups, with some surpassing others."

In that hierarchy which elevates some and degrades others, Asians do not occupy a respected position. They are either servants, laborers, or even skilled workers, but certainly not on the level of Europeans in the opinion of Mr. Kant, who is regarded by millions of Europeans as a great philosopher. This toxic philosophy is what led France to occupy "Vietnam" and plunder its riches for sixty years.

One might argue, but Europe has changed! They only speak of equality now. Of course, you will find much talk about unfair equality between men and women, or between heterosexual individuals and those with sexual differences, or between virtue and vice. The "equality slogan" is raised to distract observers from the injustice that Europe still practises in the world's poorer countries, in terms of enslaving labour, looting resources, and more.

Do you want to see a balanced view of human equality from the perspective of one who speaks not from desire? Here is this narration from the words of the Prophet, peace be upon him. Pay attention to the last two words in this narration:

The Prophet, peace be upon him, said:

"O people, indeed your Lord is one and your father [Adam] is one. All of you are from Adam, and Adam is from dust. There is no virtue of an Arab over a non-Arab, nor a non-Arab over an Arab; nor white over black, nor black over white; except by piety."

[Authenticated by Al-Albani]

Have you noticed the last two words?

Except by piety.

We are equal like the teeth of a comb, unless one of us chooses to lower their own value by disobeying God Almighty, and becomes like cattle, nay, even more misguided.

Let's be straightforward:

For a long time, Vietnam was not in a state of economic prosperity that has recently begun to take root. It was a poor country, where many of its citizens worked in small professions with low income, whether inside Vietnam or in other countries.

The question is: Do you think that an employer who does not believe in God Almighty views the Vietnamese worker as equal to himself? You know the answer, and I know the answer. In every country in the world, the poor, especially if of a different ethnicity, are seen as inferior to the wealthy.

Now, here's the correct answer from someone who speaks not from desire:

The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said:

"Your slaves are your brethren whom Allah has placed under your authority. So, if anyone has his brother under his authority, let him feed him from what he eats and let him dress him from what he wears. Do not burden them with what overpowers them, and if you burden them, help them." 

Which human rights charter in our modern time grants a servant the right to eat and dress as their master does? And which international law obligates an employer to support those who work for them and not burden them beyond their capacity?

If there were some charter, it certainly doesn't apply to factory workers who commit suicide due to inhumane working conditions, or those who develop cancer from digging in cobalt mines, or any other manifestations of capitalism's crushing of humanity.

But there is one covenant that humans can hold onto, a covenant subject to something greater than the United Nations, even greater than the universe itself: the covenant of God Almighty, as outlined in His Noble Book, setting the sole criterion for differentiation among people:

"O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted."

(Quran 49:13)