Understanding that the trials and tribulations of this world are part of the human condition

Once a person converts to Islam he begins to understand that the trials, tribulations, and triumphs of this life are not random acts of a cruel and unorganised universe.  A true believer understands thatour existence is part of a well-ordered world, and life is unfolding in exactly the way God, in His infinite wisdom, has ordained.   

God tells us we will be tested and He advises us to bear our trials and tribulations patiently.  This is difficult to understand unless one embraces the Oneness of God, the religion of Islam, where God has given us clear guidelines about how to behave when faced with trials and tribulations.   If we follow these guidelines, found in the Quran and the authentic traditions of Prophet Muhammad, it is possible to bear afflictions with ease and even be grateful. 

“And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient,” (Quran 2:155)

A believer knows that whatever happens to them is decreed by Allah, and trials are for our benefit, as they always carry goodness and this life, is no more than a transient place, a stop on the journey to our eternal life If we can accept this and welcome Allah into our hearts, we will experience true inner peace.