Who Is Better: Jesus (PBUH) or Muhammad (PBBUH)?

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Who Is Better: Jesus (PBUH) or Muhammad (PBBUH)?

In Islam, it is inappropriate to make direct comparisons or rank the prophets or messengers of Allah, including Jesus (`Isa in Arabic) and Muhammad (peace be upon them). Both Jesus and Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) are highly revered figures in Islam, and each has a unique role and significance in the Islamic faith.

1. Jesus (may the peace of Allah be upon him): Muslims believe that Jesus was a Prophet and a Messenger of Allah, born to Virgin Mary (Maryam in Arabic) through a miraculous birth, without a father but by Allah’s Direct Command “Be”. He is highly respected and loved by Muslims. He performed miracles by Allah’s Will and Permission and delivered the message of worshipping only Allah. Muslims do not believe that Jesus was the divine son of Allah or part of a Trinity, as is commonly believed in Christianity.

2. Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): Muhammad is considered the final Prophet and Messenger of Islam. He received the Quran, the holy book of Islam, through revelations over a period of 23 years. He is revered as the “Seal of the Prophets” and the exemplar of a righteous and moral life. His teachings and actions form the basis of Islamic faith and practice. 

In conclusion, comparing the two is not a question of who is "better" but rather a recognition of their respective roles in the conveying Allah’s Plan for humanity. Muslims believe in the prophethood of both Jesus and Muhammad and hold them in high esteem. The choice between them is not a matter of superiority but a recognition of the progression of prophethood throughout history, with Muhammad being the Final Messenger of Allah who brought the complete and final guidance for all of humanity.