Why Did Jesus (PBUH) Had Many Miracles Compared to Muhammad (PBBUH)?

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Why Did Jesus (PBUH) Had Many Miracles Compared to Muhammad (PBBUH)?

Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is frequently contrasted with Jesus Christ (may the peace of Allah be upon him) in several aspects. While both figures are regarded as excellent prophets and significant figures in conveying Islam to people, there are certain aspects where their lives diverge.

One of these aspects is the many miracles that Jesus performed, including healing the sick and even raising the dead, to guide his people to believe in Allah. Compared to him, Muhammad did not have miracles like Jesus.

Firstly, it is necessary to understand that the purpose of miracles is different in both religions. In Christianity, miracles are seen as ways to prove that Jesus Christ was the son of Allah (Glorified be He) and had divine powers. However, in Islam, the primary focus is on the Quran, which is seen as a miracle in itself. Muslims believe that the Quran was directly revealed to Muhammad by Allah and is considered the final and complete revelation. Therefore, there was no need for further miracles to establish the authenticity of Muhammad’s message. 

 Secondly, it is important to note that history is a crucial factor when understanding the lives of Jesus and Muhammad. Jesus lived in a time when miracles were significant; they played a crucial role in the Jewish society, and people were looking for a messiah figure to perform them. In contrast, Muhammad lived in a time, and was sent for a time, where rationality and science were developing. Therefore, it is possible that Muhammad avoided performing miracles to focus on his teachings and mission, rather than gaining followers through wonders.  

Thirdly, Muhammad’s mission was different from that of Jesus. Jesus performed visible and material miracles to bring the Children of Israel to believe in his prophethood. However, Muhammad's mission went on uniting and reforming the Arabian tribes and creating a society based on justice and equality. Therefore, his focus was on spreading the message and teachings of Allah, rather than performing miracles.

  Finally, it is important to acknowledge that there have been several instances where Muhammad has been associated with miracles. For example, the splitting of the moon, the water flowing from his fingers, and the feeding of a large group of people with a small amount of food. However, these matters are treated as less important than the teachings of the Quran. Therefore, there is less focus on miracles and more emphasis on His teachings. This highlights the unique nature of his message and mission. His focus was on spreading the Message of Allah and creating a just and equal society. The Quran was seen as his primary miracle, and he devoted his life to teaching and spreading its message. Therefore, Muhammad’s message and teachings remain just as powerful and influential today as they were during his lifetime.