Common Questions About Islam

In Islam, happiness is not simply a transient emotion but instead, a state of contentment that one can achieve through fulfilling their duties towards Allah (Glorified be He) and living a moral life. True happiness comes from being in harmony with oneself and one’s environment, as well as from engaging in acts of worship, kindness to others, and pursuing righteous actions. 

The Quran describes paradise as the ultimate abode of bliss and joy in which believers will attain true happiness free from all forms of sorrow and grief. Additionally, it is emphasized that material possessions or worldly success should not be equated with happiness or define one's value as a person; rather, true fulfillment lies in leading an ethical life, seeking knowledge, helping those in need, worshiping Allah sincerely, reflecting on His creation, and having faith in His divine plan. Hence, the Islamic perspective on happiness revolves around achieving inner peace by fulfilling one’s spiritual and social obligations while holding onto hope for eternal reward.