Common Questions About Islam

Pork is prohibited in Islam due to a clear directive mentioned in the holy book of Quran. Muslims believe that Allah (Exalted be He) has prohibited the consumption of pork for several reasons, including health, moral and spiritual purposes. According to the Islamic teachings, pigs are considered unclean animals and therefore their meat is also unclean. Pigs have a low digestive ability thus they consume anything which makes them susceptible to diseases that can be transmitted to humans upon consumption of their meat. Additionally, pork contains toxins and harmful substances like cholesterol which may lead to various health problems such as obesity or heart disease.

Pork consumption is seen as a temptation towards indulgence in worldly pleasures by some scholars; the lack of control over one’s desires is not encouraged in Islam. Therefore, refraining from the consumption of pork is believed to preserve an individual’s physical well-being as well as maintain spiritual purity and self-control within the Muslim community.