Definition of Islam

Islam is the name of the religion, or more properly the ‘way of life’, which God (Allah) has revealed  to his last Prophet Muhammad  (peace be upon him).

 The root Arabic word from which Islam is derived implies peace, safety. Islam specifically means total submission and obedience to God, a single one God who has no partners nor sons and reverently accepting and obeying His Law.

That is why Islam  is  not  a  new  religion. It  is,  in  essence, the same  message  and  guidance  which  Allah  revealed  to  all Prophets  in  its comprehensive,  complete  and  final  form.

As is clear from the connection between the words, only by submitting to one’s Creator and living according to His Divinely revealed Law can a human attain true peace.

Muslims have a *direct connection* with their Creator.

There is no intermediary, such as praying to or through others, in worshipping God. And this is what makes Islam so special and unique.

Islam is based on principles of justice, peace, tolerance, and mercy towards all our brothers in humanity.