Islam acknowledges other divine religions as part of the continuous chain of revelation sent by Allah the One God to guide humanity.
The ultimate goal of each divine message has always been the same: to guide humanity towards God, to make them aware of His presence and to lead them to worship only Him.
For this reason, Islam is not a new religion, but all prophets came to teach people Islam, all came to call people to believe in one God and obey his commandments, so we regard Jesus, Moses, Abraham (Peace be upon them),etc.. Muslims, including Muhammad (Peace be upon him), who was not the founder of Islam but the final prophet of Islam. He came to teach people the correct pure message after it was altered and modified.
Islam honors prophets such as Moses and Jesus, recognizing them as messengers who conveyed Allah’s word to their respective communities. Indeed, belief in them and in prophets of God is one of the pillars of faith in Islam.
Islam teaches that all revealed books, including the Gospel of Jesus, the Torah of Moses, and the Psalms of David (peace be upon them), are from God and must be believed in. However, it distinguishes between their original forms and the changes introduced by later scribes and editors. The Quran is regarded as the final and complete message, sent to correct distortions and unify humanity under one comprehensive path.
Islam promotes mutual respect, dialogue, and coexistence among followers of all faiths while inviting them to worship Allah alone and follow His guidance as conveyed in the Quran.